News from the Skagit County Democrats
Skagit County Democrats Action Newsletter for November 14, 2022
1. The Skagit County Democrats Executive Board will meet Tuesday, Nov 15, 6:30pm via Zoom
Click Here for the Zoom link.
2. The 10th Legislative District Democrats Executive Board will meet Saturday, Nov 19, 10:00am, via Zoom (registration in advance)
Click Here to register to attend this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
3. The Fidalgo Democrats next meet Tuesday, Nov 15, 7:00pm via Zoom
The meeting is the third Tuesday in November since the second Tuesday is Election Day. "We will be joined by Anacortes City Council member Ryan Walters for a presentation and discussion of Housing for our Whole Community – Anacortes and Skagit county. Ryan has been focused on these issues and has made several presentations recently. What are the problems and what are some of the solutions? Learn how the lack of affordable housing affects our whole community. Hear what the City of Anacortes is doing about these issues, working with non-profits and other cities. Learn how you can help. Discussion and audience questions will follow the presentation. call Barbara Cooper 360-4123 if you have any questions."
4. NEW – Election Results
Several races are still in the process of being counted. To review the latest information:
- Local Skagit County Results:
- Washington State Federal and Legislative Results:
5. NEW – Skagit County Democrats Headquarters Office closure over Thanksgiving
Our Headquarters Office will be closed from Wednesday, Nov 23 through Monday, Nov 28, opening again on Tuesday, Nov 29.
6. NEW – Please return signs to the originating campaigns
If you have candidate signs in your yard, please contact the candidate. Signs cost money and candidates may be able to re-use them. Please DO NOT bring your signs to our headquarters. We don't have the space for them.
7. Election Observers
"Thank you for your overwhelming response to our request for Election Observers. This is the first time we are allowed to have two observers per shift, and I am happy to report that all the shifts are filled. There is a monitor in the rotunda outside of the Elections Office which shows views of the 4 different locations in the office where the ballot processing takes place. Anyone can go to the rotunda to watch. I have observed the process this week and can say that the other party has been pleasant and there have not been any issues from them. The counting process is progressing well, and the Elections Office staff are very busy. But be sure to get your ballot in early and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Thank you again for all your help!"
8. NEW – Links of the Week
The Links of the Week provide in-depth pieces and resources the Editor has found to be relevant, insightful, and thorough on important issues of the day.
- Why Is America Always Divided 50–50?
- The Return of Red China – Xi Jinping Brings Back Marxism
- Do We Have the History of Native Americans Backward?
- Global Human Population to Reach Eight Billion by November 15
- The Problem With Spinning Spacecraft
1. NEW – Skagit County Snowplow Priority Map is now available on-line
Click Here to see the primary and secondary snowplow routes.
2. The Skagit County Board of Commissioners is seeking two (2) applicants for Commission Members of the Housing Authority of Skagit County Board
Applications are due by Nov 30. Applicants must be residents of Skagit County. Click Here for the application process. Click Here for a description of the Housing Authority of Skagit County.
3. Community Input and Comment on the 2023-2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
"Skagit County Public Works is in the process of compiling proposed projects for the 2023 – 2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is considered a mid-range planning tool for regionally significant transportation projects that may have State and Federal funding. These projects include new construction or improvements to the transportation system under the jurisdiction of the County, such as road projects, bridge projects, ferry projects, and trail or non-motorized projects. The County will be accepting public comment until 4:30 p.m. on November 23, 2022." Click Here for more information.
4. Sedro-Woolley seeks new planning commissioner
"Those interested in the position must live within city limits or within the city’s urban growth area. They are asked to submit a one-page letter of interest by Nov. 22. For more information, email or call the Planning Department at 360-855-0771." Click Here for the article in GoSkagit.
5. COVID-19 Information
COVID-19 Testing Site at Cascade Mall to Reduce Hours Beginning October 31, 2022
"Effective October 31, 2022, the hours of operation at Skagit County Public Health’s COVID-19 testing site at Cascade Mall, located at 150 Cascade Mall Drive in Burlington, will be changing. Testing services will be available the following days and times until further notice."
- Mondays: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Thursdays: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Click Here for the most current report and resources.
1. Anacortes Sunday Demonstrations
Democrats are again demonstrating in Anacortes each Sunday, 12:00pm – 1:00pm at the corner of 12th Street and Commercial Avenue. "We carry signs for Dem candidates, get out and vote signs, women's right-to-chose in healthcare and so on and so on. We need more people to show up."
2. Coffee & Cards, Wednesdays, 10:00am – 11:00am, Skagit County Democrats Headquarters, 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon
Coffee and Cards meets on Wednesdays from 10-11 am. This is the group that was previously led by Carol Sullivan and is now lead quite capably by Judy Farrar. The group is a way for us to express ourselves about issues of importance to us all.
We will write messages of encouragement and support to people who are making positive contributions as well as messages of concern and opposition to people who are negatively impacting our world. This includes legislators on the local, state, and federal level as well as CEOs of corporations and other people having a significant impact in our world. We will share ideas for people to write to and issues to address.
Postcards and stamps will be provided, but we ask that people bring money to cover the cost of the postcard stamps which are currently $.44. Coffee will be provided or bring your own. As Carol always reminded us, “We are stronger together.” Our office is located at 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon, 360-336-1555."