News from the Skagit County Democrats
Skagit County Democrats Action Newsletter for January 13, 2025
1. NEW – The Skagit County Democrats conducted the Reorganization Meeting Saturday, Jan 11
A new slate of officers was elected as follows:
- Chair – Roger Phillip
- Vice-Chair – Lynn Campbell
- Secretary – Nathaniel Block
- Treasurer – Sue Curtis
- State Committee Member – Jeremy Moselle
- State Committee Member – Lynn Campbell
- 10th Legislative District Representative – Velit Seyfitten
- 39th Legislative District Representative – Amy Wood
- 40th Legislative District Representative – Anna Cook
- Commissioner District 1 – Rosalinda Guillen
- Commissioner District 2 – Bennett Massey-Helber
- Commissioner District 3 – Paul Cocke
We thank all our new officers for standing up and providing leadership and support for our organization! Click Here for a very nice picture of our new officers on Facebook.
2. The Fidalgo Democrats next meet Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Anacortes Public Library, 1220 10th Street, Anacortes
"The 2025 Anacortes and Skagit County Comprehensive Plan Updates: Emerging Issues – Issues are coming into focus as the City of Anacortes and Skagit County continue the process of updating comprehensive growth management policies. Please join us to hear Christie Stewart Stein of Indivisible Skagit discuss the County process, followed by Ryan Walters, Anacortes City Councilmember, on the City process. – – – This meeting will not be recorded or streamed."
3. "People’s March: We Are Worth Fighting For!" sponsored by Indivisible Skagit, Saturday, Jan 18, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, location provided upon registration
Click Here to register. "January 18th kicks off Inauguration Weekend—the final weekend before Trump and his fascist wrecking ball re-take the White House. This is our time to send a clear and united message: the people’s power will not be ignored. We’re coming together to defend our freedoms, demonstrate our collective strength, and show that resistance doesn’t waver or retreat—it builds, it endures, and it fights back. We will send a clear message: no matter what they try, we will continue to choose solidarity, safety, and each other."
4. NEW – Links of the Week
The Links of the Week provide in-depth pieces and resources the Editor has found to be relevant, insightful, and thorough on important issues of the day.
- U.S. colleges face enrollment drop, fewer high school seniors
- Mark Cuban Just Proposed a 20-Minute Daily Habit to 'Destabilize' Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and President Trump
- The Return of Havana Syndrome
- There’s More to Trump’s Bluster Over the Panama Canal Than You Think
- Who owns Greenland? Donald Trump’s plan to buy the island raises the big question
- 11 Fresh Facts About Greenland
1. NEW – Helping Hands Food Bank annual Leaders fund raiser is Saturday, Jan 18, 5:00pm – 7:30pm, McIntyre Hall Performing Arts & Conference Center, 2501 East College Way, Mount Vernon
"This year’s event will feature a special appearance by Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Edgar Martinez, under the inspiring theme of 'Bold and Authentic Leadership.'"
2. NEW – Monday, Jan 20, is both Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Inauguration Day
- Most Federal, State, and County offices will be closed
- Click Here for "How to get involved for MLK Jr. Day" suggestions from Cascadia Daily News
- Click Here for event suggestions from the Skagit Valley College Library
3. NEW – Call for Applications for Skagit County Planning Commission
"The Planning Commission works with the Planning and Development Services Department and advises the Department and the Board of County Commissioners on proposed land use plans and regulations in unincorporated Skagit County. The Planning Commission is currently working on the County’s agritourism policies and significant updates to the Comprehensive Plan to ensure consistency with new state law addressing affordable housing and climate resiliency. For more information about current Planning Commission work items, please visit:" Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, January 31st at 4:30pm. Click Here for more information.
1. Coffee & Cards, Wednesdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm, Skagit County Democrats Headquarters, 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon
Coffee and Cards meets on Wednesdays from 10:00am – 12:00pm. This is the group that was previously led by Carol Sullivan and is now led quite capably by Judy Farrar and Judith Chilcote. The group is a way for us to express ourselves about issues of importance to us all.
We will write messages of encouragement and support to people who are making positive contributions as well as messages of concern and opposition to people who are negatively impacting our world – this includes legislators on the local, state, and federal level as well as CEOs of corporations and other people having a significant impact in our world. We will share ideas for people to write to and issues to address.
Postcards and stamps will be provided, but we ask that people bring money to cover the cost of the postcard stamps which are currently $.56. Coffee will be provided or bring your own. As Carol always reminded us, “We are stronger together.” Our office is located at 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon, 360-336-1555."