News from the Skagit County Democrats

Posted on January 26th, 2025

Skagit County Democrats Action Newsletter for January 27, 2025



1. NEWThe Fidalgo Democrats meet Tuesday, Feb 11, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Anacortes Public Library, 1220 10th Street, Anacortes
"Anacortes City Council and Climate Advisory Team member Carolyn Moulton, along with several community stakeholders will be discussing the Comprehensive Plan climate action plans. There will be time for questions. For further information call Barbara Cooper 360 770–3506."

2. NEWFebruary 11 Special Election Information
Currently, the only thing on the ballot for this election is the La Conner School District Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy. Below is the timeline for this election.

  • January 22 – Domestic ballots mailed
  • February 3 – Deadline to register or update existing registration online and by mail
  • February 11 – Deadline for in-person registration and voter updates – Closes 8:00 PM
  • February 11 – Special Election – Closes 8:00 PM
  • February 18 – Canvassing Board Meeting, Initial Review – 1:30 PM
  • February 21 – Special Election Certification – 1:30 PM

3. NEWThe 40th Legislative District Democrats conducted their reorganization Jan 12 and have elected the following slate of officers

  • Chair – Joel Pitts-Jordan
  • 1st Vice-Chair – Rocio Lopez
  • Secretary – Autumn Kasprowicz
  • Treasurer – Cindy Lane
  • State Committee Members – Nathaniel Block and Nancy Sheng
  • Skagit County Vice-Chair – Bennett Massey-Helber

4. Call for Legislative Committee members
The Skagit Democrats Legislative Committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to kick off our efforts for the current session. In past years the committee has tracked bills that align with Skagit County Democrats priorities and coordinated communication efforts between our membership and our legislators. We have typically met weekly through the spring while the legislature is in session and as needed in the fall to prepare for the coming year.

If you are a returning member or newly interested, please help us identify a meeting time via this link, by Wednesday January 22 at noon. We will select a date/time based on your responses and add you to our email list. Please feel free to reach out to for more information.

5. The 39th Legislative District Democrats conducted their reorganization Dec 28 and have elected the following slate of officers

  • Jessica Wadhams – Chair
  • Gabe Valentine – Vice Chair
  • John Snow – 2nd Vice Chair
  • Cathy Ozog – Secretary
  • Kathryn Sharp – Treasurer
  • Joshua Corsa – State Committee Member
  • Cathy Ozog – State Committee Member
  • Ida Keeley – Snohomish County Committee Member
  • Tory Horseman – Snohomish County Committee Member
  • Tove Shneider – Skagit County Committee Member
  • Bill Phillips – Sergeant-at-Arms/Parliamentarian
  • Kathryn Sharp – Fundraising Officer

6. The 10th Legislative District Democrats conducted their reorganization Jan 18 and have elected the following slate of officers

  • Chair – Nicole Ng-A-Qui
  • First Vice Chair – John Doyle
  • Second Vice Chair – Art Huffine
  • State Committee Rep #1 – Dan Lewinski
  • State Committee Rep #2 – Satin-Desiree Arnett
  • Secretary – Melita Bevington
  • Treasurer – Cindy Lane

7. Foreign Subscribers to Our Newsletter
Lest we be complacent about the reports of foreign actors involving themselves in our political process, let me assert they have done so at our own local level. As the editor of our newsletter and manager of the subscriber list, I have spent several hours over the past couple of weeks purging our newsletter list of nefarious subscribers. This amounted to 150 subscribers that managed to enroll to our newsletter from foreign sites using fake email addresses and identities.

They did so using the embedded form available on our website and, no doubt, used bots to do so. They enrolled from servers located all over the world and clearly attempted to obscure their activity. The most common enrollment site was out of Amsterdam, Netherlands but many originated from various sites in Russia and others in South Africa, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc.

Most enrolled during the period of September and October of 2024, clearly interested in our recent elections. Many never opened the newsletter. However, many others not only opened the newsletters, they sometimes clicked on the links, clearly actively monitoring our information. So far as I know, that is as far as they were able to go. They could have no access to our network nor any other proprietary information.

Needless to say, we are in the process of taking the embedded form out of our website and we will be providing a different way of inviting enrollees.

8. NEWLinks of the Week
The Links of the Week provide in-depth pieces and resources the Editor has found to be relevant, insightful, and thorough on important issues of the day.


1. NEWThe monthly Planned Parenthood rally is Saturday, Feb 1, 11:00am – 12:00pm, on the sidewalk in front of the Mount Vernon Health Center, 1805 East Division Street, Mount Vernon
Bring your signs, your friends, and your family.

2. NEWThe 11th Annual Illuminight Winter Walk, Friday, Jan 31, 5:00pm – 6:00pm, South 1st Street, Mount Vernon
"The 2025 Illuminight Winter Walk celebrates art, health, community, and the Skagit ecosystem! Join us for this free community event in downtown Mount Vernon. There will be live music, art, and a luminary lit procession. Bring your own luminary or make a paper bag luminary at Tri Dee Arts before the event. There will also be a limited number of luminaries available for purchase at the event."

3. NEWSkagit County to Launch New Public Disclosure Request Software
Click Here for a complete explanation.

4. Solidarity 2025: Public School Strong Training Series, Wednesdays (Jan 29 – Mar 26), Virtual Event (on-line)
"Solidarity 2025 is a training series equipping activist educators, school board members, students, parents, and allies to unite against attacks on public education outlined in Project 2025 . . . " Click Here for more information and to sign up.

5. Call for Applications for Skagit County Planning Commission
"The Planning Commission works with the Planning and Development Services Department and advises the Department and the Board of County Commissioners on proposed land use plans and regulations in unincorporated Skagit County. The Planning Commission is currently working on the County’s agritourism policies and significant updates to the Comprehensive Plan to ensure consistency with new state law addressing affordable housing and climate resiliency. For more information about current Planning Commission work items, please visit: [this website]." Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, January 31st at 4:30pm. Click Here for more information.


1. Coffee & Cards, Wednesdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm, Skagit County Democrats Headquarters, 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon
Coffee and Cards meets on Wednesdays from 10:00am – 12:00pm. This is the group that was previously led by Carol Sullivan and is now led quite capably by Judy Farrar and Judith Chilcote. The group is a way for us to express ourselves about issues of importance to us all.  

We will write messages of encouragement and support to people who are making positive contributions as well as messages of concern and opposition to people who are negatively impacting our world – this includes legislators on the local, state, and federal level as well as CEOs of corporations and other people having a significant impact in our world. We will share ideas for people to write to and issues to address.  

Postcards and stamps will be provided, but we ask that people bring money to cover the cost of the postcard stamps which are currently $.56. Coffee will be provided or bring your own. As Carol always reminded us, “We are stronger together.” Our office is located at 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon, 360-336-1555."
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