News from the Skagit County Democrats

Posted on February 2nd, 2025

Skagit County Democrats Action Newsletter for February 3, 2025



1. NEWVolunteers needed to work on the Gala Committee
A message from Chair Roger Phillip: "These are challenging times, but we must stay engaged and make a difference in our own communities. One way to help is by supporting the Skagit County Democrats’ Annual Gala on June 7, 2025, at the Swinomish Casino and Lodge. This vital fundraiser supports local candidates and initiatives, and after last year’s success, we have big shoes to fill!

We’re forming the Gala Planning Committee and need volunteers. If you have experience in event planning, fundraising, or just want to help, we’d love to have you. Email with “Gala Committee” in the subject line to join us. Let’s work together to win in 2025!"

In addition to supporting candidates and campaigns, the funds raised from our Gala keeps our office open, supports our communications (including this newsletter, website, Facebook, etc.), equipment for meetings and office management, our outreach and presence in the community at the County Fair and parades, and many other things. We have so many talented and committed people in our ranks, please consider sharing your time and expertise in small or large part.

2. NEWLegislative Committee Report
Please review and support (as indicated) the following bills:

  • HB1381 — Language access in elections
    • Improves meaningful access to elections by increasing language assistance to citizens in the state that are part of (1) language minority groups (LMG); (2) limited-English proficient; and (3) the illiteracy rate of voting-age citizens in the LMG is higher than the national average. This bill sets the threshold lower than the federal threshold for when counties must provide language assistance during elections by requiring counties to do so when the citizens are part of the language minority groups as listed above.
      • "Help create accessible voting to the state by supporting HB1381 by breaking down language barriers. To create a more inclusive voting body it is imperative that we have meaningful access to our communities. Vote HB1381 to increase our numbers, and our voice."
  • SB5233 — Washington Health Trust
    • This bill expands and consolidates public health plans in Washington under a unified financing system in order to universalize eligibility to all Washington residents, ensure comprehensive medical coverage including primary care, dental, vision, and prescription drug benefits, and achieve cost savings, through administrative efficiency, bulk pricing, and cost controls.
      • "Creating a single payer system in Washington state will ensure that health care is universally covered in our state. Please vote yes on SB5233."
  • SB5077 – Expand automatic voter registration
    • This bill would move toward ensuring that every citizen has a voice in our democracy by expanding automatic voter registration to include new citizens, people returning home from prison, and those applying for health care. In Washington State, the Department of Licensing manages the existing automatic voter registration system. This bill would expand automatic voter registration to other state agencies. Helping citizens update their voter registration during these key life transitions would help keep voter registration current in Washington state.
      • "Please promote state efforts to maintain up-to-date voter registration by supporting SB5077. Expanding automatic voter registration to include new citizens, people returning home from prison, and those applying for health care will help ensure that voter registration is maintained through important life transitions. Please vote to support passage of SB5077."
  • SB5181 – Support to Amend the “Parents Bill of Rights”
    • This amendment would ensure that all public schools in WA state are following the 2024 Title IX laws regarding gender diverse students and lactating individuals. The 2024 laws are more inclusive of these groups. Currently, any school that has 1 M4L parent is allowed to follow the 2022 Title IX laws, to continue to discriminate against gender diverse students and doesn’t allow for a separate space for lactating individuals.
      • "I strongly support SB 5181. Please ensure this bill gets a floor vote and vote in favor of passage. SB5181 is significantly different from the Parents Rights Initiative in one respect: it protects children and their families' rights better. The initiative protects schoolchildren from discrimination on the basis of "upon the sincerely held religious beliefs of the child's family." SB5181 protects them from discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sensory, mental, or physical disability, the use of a service animal, or sex, or sexual orientation including gender expression or identity."

3. The Fidalgo Democrats meet Tuesday, Feb 11, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Anacortes Public Library, 1220 10th Street, Anacortes
"Anacortes City Council and Climate Advisory Team member Carolyn Moulton, along with several community stakeholders will be discussing the Comprehensive Plan climate action plans. There will be time for questions. For further information call Barbara Cooper 360 770–3506."

4. NEWThe Skagit County Democrats Executive Board meets Thursday, Jan 13, 7:00pm (please note later start time)
Participants may attend via Zoom. Please register in advance. Click Here to register. After you register you will receive an email from Zoom with instructions on how to attend the meeting virtually.

5. NEWOn Saturday, February 1, DNC members voted to elect a new slate of DNC Officers including positions for Chair, Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation, three Vice Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, and National Finance Chair
The new elected DNC Officers include:

  • Chair: Ken Martin
  • Vice Chair for Civic Engagement and Voter Participation (CEVP): Reyna Walters-Morgan
  • Vice Chair (three positions): Artie Blanco, Malcolm Kenyatta, and David Hogg
  • Secretary: Jason Rae
  • Treasurer: Virginia McGregor
  • National Finance Chair: Chris Korge

6. February 11 Special Election Information
Currently, the only thing on the ballot for this election is the La Conner School District Replacement Educational Programs and Operation Levy. Below is the timeline for this election.

  • January 22 – Domestic ballots mailed
  • February 3 – Deadline to register or update existing registration online and by mail
  • February 11 – Deadline for in-person registration and voter updates – Closes 8:00 PM
  • February 11 – Special Election – Closes 8:00 PM
  • February 18 – Canvassing Board Meeting, Initial Review – 1:30 PM
  • February 21 – Special Election Certification – 1:30 PM

7. The 40th Legislative District Democrats conducted their reorganization Jan 12 and have elected the following slate of officers

  • Chair – Joel Pitts-Jordan
  • 1st Vice-Chair – Rocio Lopez
  • Secretary – Autumn Kasprowicz
  • Treasurer – Cindy Lane
  • State Committee Members – Nathaniel Block and Nancy Sheng
  • Skagit County Vice-Chair – Bennett Massey-Helber

8. NEWLinks of the Week
The Links of the Week provide in-depth pieces and resources the Editor has found to be relevant, insightful, and thorough on important issues of the day.


1. NEWFebruary is Black History Month

  • Click Here for a listing of Skagit Valley College events
  • Click Here for the story behind Black History Month
  • Click Here for the National Museum of African American History and Culture website

2. NEWTreaty Day Film Festival, Tuesday Feb 4, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Lincoln Theatre, 712 South First Street, Mount Vernon
"Join Children of the Setting Sun Production’s 7th Annual Treaty Day Film Festival as we honor our matriarchs, both behind the scenes and on screen, in Indigenous media. Through a collection of short films, we amplify stories that challenge narratives, celebrate culture, and highlight the experiences and creativity of Indigenous women in cinema." General Admission: All seats $10.00.

3. NEWDine & Shop to End Homelessness, Thursday, Feb 6, all day, participating restaurants & retailers in Anacortes
Sponsored by The Anacortes Family Center. "Join us for our 11th Annual Dine & Shop to End Homelessness! Eat at participating restaurants and shop at numerous retailers and a portion of the days proceeds will be donated to the Anacortes Family Center! Raffle tickets will also be available for some fantastic prizes!"

4. NEWSkagit County Adopts 2025 Guemes Island Ferry Fare Schedule
Click Here for the full press release plus the new rates.

5. Skagit County to Launch New Public Disclosure Request Software
Click Here for a complete explanation.


1. Coffee & Cards, Wednesdays, 10:00am – 12:00pm, Skagit County Democrats Headquarters, 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon
Coffee and Cards meets on Wednesdays from 10:00am – 12:00pm. This is the group that was previously led by Carol Sullivan and is now led quite capably by Judy Farrar and Judith Chilcote. The group is a way for us to express ourselves about issues of importance to us all.  

We will write messages of encouragement and support to people who are making positive contributions as well as messages of concern and opposition to people who are negatively impacting our world – this includes legislators on the local, state, and federal level as well as CEOs of corporations and other people having a significant impact in our world. We will share ideas for people to write to and issues to address.  

Postcards and stamps will be provided, but we ask that people bring money to cover the cost of the postcard stamps which are currently $.56. Coffee will be provided or bring your own. As Carol always reminded us, “We are stronger together.” Our office is located at 2021 East College Way, Suite 104, Mount Vernon, 360-336-1555."
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