About the Local Party Organization

At the State Level

All business at the state level is carried out by the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) which is made up of one state committeeman and one state committeewoman from each of the state’s 39 counties and each of the state’s 49 legislative districts. The members of the state’s Executive Board are themselves members of WSDCC and are elected by fellow WSDCC members. The WSDCC meets four times a year, with each meeting held in a different part of the state.

At the Local Level

All business of the Skagit County Democratic Party is carried out by the Skagit County Democratic Central Committee which is made up of all of the elected and appointed PCOs in the county. This body is usually referred to simply as the Central Committee. It too meets on a quarterly basis.

MISSION: The Skagit County Democratic Party is an inclusive political organization that seeks to elect Democrats committed to the core values of our constituents and the Platform of the Washington State Democratic Party. The Executive Board of the Skagit County Democrats is elected from members of the Central Committee at the bi-annual Reorganization Meeting. The Executive Board Holds monthly meetings.

PCOs are elected in the Primary Election of the even years. The Chair of the Skagit County Democrats may appoint PCOs, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, to open precincts. However no PCO appointment can be made between the dates of the Primary and the Reorganization Meeting.

The Executive Board

VISION: The Skagit County Democratic Party sees a bright future with broad participation of diverse groups working together to create a healthy, equitable society incorporating government of the people, by the people, for all of the people.

The Executive Board of the Skagit County Democrats is made up of:  the Chair; Vice-Chair of the opposite gender; State Committeeman and State Committeewoman who are elected by the entire Central Committee; Treasurer and Secretary, of opposite gender if possible, who are appointed by the Chair; one Vice-Chair from each of the three Commissioner Districts; and one Representative from each of the three legislative districts in Skagit County. There are thirteen voting members on the Executive Board.


The Chair serves as the chief executive officer of the Central Committee, makes appointments to committees, provides good management, and calls and prepares for County Conventions in even-numbered years.


The Vice-Chair is the chief aide to the Chair, substitutes in the Chair’s absence, and chairs the Resolution Committee.

In actuality the Chair and Vice-Chair are almost full-time jobs dealing with issues in the county and coordinating with the WSDCC and responding to their mandates. Although the terms of office are all only two years, it would be better if the Chair and Vice-Chair could commit for four years. The first two years allow them to “learn the ropes” so that they are prepared, especially for the very hectic Presidential election years.


The Secretary serves at both Central Committee and Executive Board meetings, and like all members of the Board is intimately involved in the operation of the headquarters and the organization as a whole.


The Treasurer receives and deposits all funds, presents bills to the Executive Board and writes checks for approved expenses, reports to the Central Committee and Executive Board, submits an annual report to the Central Committee for audit by the three District Co-Chairs, and is responsible for Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) and similar reports. This is a very exacting and demanding office, especially during Presidential Election years.

State Committeeman and Committeewoman

The State Committeeman and Committeewoman represent the Central Committee at the state level and report to the Central Committee and Executive Board.

These officers must be prepared to attend all WSDCC Meetings. In order to pass resolutions that are generated by the Central Committee, one of their very important functions is to network with the State Committeemen and Committeewomen from other counties and legislative districts.

Commissioner District Representatives

One Vice Chair from each of the three commissioner districts is elected at commissioner district sub-caucuses at the Reorganization meeting. The Commissioner District Representatives represent the constituents in their respective commissioner districts, and like all members of the Executive Board, are actively and intimately involved in the operation of the headquarters and the organization.

Legislative District Representatives

One representative from each of the three legislative districts in Skagit County , the 10th, 39th, and 40th Legislative Districts, is elected at legislative district sub-causes at the Reorganization meeting.  They represent the constituents in their respective legislative districts, and also are actively and intimately involved in the operation of the headquarters and the organization.

Current Positions

  • Chair – Roger Phillip
  • Vice Chair – Lynn Campbell
  • Secretary – Nathaniel Block
  • Treasurer – Sue Curtis
  • State Committee Member – Lynn Campbell
  • State Committee Member – Jeremy Moselle
  • 10th LD – Velit Seyfitten
  • 39th LD – Amy Wood
  • 40th LD – Anna Cook
  • Commissioner District 1 – Rosalinda Guillen
  • Commissioner District 2 – Bennett Massey Helber
  • Commissioner District 3 – Paul Cocke
  • Skagit Young Democrats – Hannah Oliver
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