Legislative Committee Calls to Action

The Washington State Legislature meets for 105 days in odd-numbered years with a primary duty to develop and pass a two-year budget.

In even-numbered years (2024) they meet for 60 days to finish up business from the last session and make budget adjustments.

Because of the short timeline for this year’s session, it is critical to pay close attention to priority bills and where they are in the process. 

Important dates for tracking and advocating for legislation:

All bills, except for budget and transportation issues, must pass out of committee in their house of origin (House or Senate) by January 31. Deadline for budget and transportation bills is February 5.

All bills must pass out of their house of origin by February 13, budget/transportation by February 21.

The last day to consider opposite house bills in committee is February 26.

The last day to pass opposite house bills is March 1. Some exceptions: budget related matters, initiatives and alternates.

Last day of the 2024 Session is March 7.

  • SB 6082– Increasing compensation for Washington paraeducators.
  • Paraeducators play an essential role in Washington public schools, often serving as the primary instructional support for our most vulnerable student populations, including special needs children. Recognizing the important role that paraeducators play, in 2017 the Washington legislature established common statewide standards for paraeducators and increased training standards. Unfortunately, the annual attrition rate for paraeducators has reached 23%. Driven out of their positions by the rigor of the job contrasted with low compensation, the legislature intends to increase state funding for paraeducator compensation, benefiting Washington students statewide, while simultaneously incentivizing paraeducators to remain in the profession.

Email your Legislator to support SB 6082

Recommended Text:

Please support passage of SB 6082 to increase compensation for Washington educators. The statewide allocation for paraeducator salaries must be adjusted by the same inflationary increases provided to certificated educators and for regional differences in the cost of hiring staff. Paraeducators provide instructional support for our most challenged and handicapped children in Washington. Annual attrition rates for paraeducators has reached 23%, driven out by the rigor of their work contrasted with low compensation. Stabilizing a profession so important to the success of children is imperative.

  • HB 2114– Limiting rent increases and other fees for tenants.
  • Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement.

Email your Legislator to support HB 2114

Recommended Text:

“Please support HB2114 and help keep rental fees and rent in check. Some people have experienced drastic rent increases in recent years that have devastated them financially and hurt their chances of upward mobility. It’s time to provide housing stability for tenants.”

  • SB 5335 This would create a Washington health trust to ensure that all Washington residents can enroll in nonprofit health insurance coverage.
  • Universal health care is badly needed to reduce costs and ensure that nobody falls through the cracks at any point in life! We want to see SB 5335 passed in the 2024 state legislative session. This bill is intended to create a single-payer system by establishing a Washington Health Trust. In 2021, the legislature established a universal Health Care Commission to prepare the state for a health care system that provides coverage to all Washington Residents. Our state is already moving in the right direction on this! We just need to follow through on the vision. Please consider writing to your legislator and ask them to support this bill.

Email your Legislator to support SB 5335

Recommended text:

“Please support and reintroduce SB 5335 in the 2024 state legislative session. Our state is already moving in the right direction on this! We just need to follow through on the vision. Please sponsor this bill and help get it through your chamber so we can make the lives of every Washingtonian better.“

  • SB 5102Would ensure that every board of directors will provide school library information and technology programs for school children.
  • This may be the most effective means to fighting misinformation and denial of access to books and educational materials. Local politicians and school boards too often fold to radical right-wing pressure to ban books and restrict free thinking. SB5102 would bring to school libraries needed technology providing access to instructional materials. Write your legislators to support this proposed legislation and encourage them to include requirements for free access to truth in educational materials and literature.

Email your Legislator to support SB 5102

Recommended Text:

“We must ensure that every Washington student has access to library materials and technology within their schools. School librarians and educators must be protected in their efforts to utilize technology and educational materials, including literature, to provide access to truth in education. At risk is an inferior education that will interfere with the ability of Washington youth to be competitive in the future workforce and to be deprived of a full understanding of truth in education. Please support SB5102.”

  • SB 5335 – Developing the Washington health trust.
  • Universal health care is badly needed to reduce costs and ensure that nobody falls through the cracks at any point in life! We want to see SB 5335 passed in the 2024 state legislative session. This bill is intended to create a single-payer system by establishing a Washington Health Trust. In 2021, the legislature established a universal Health Care Commission to prepare the state for a health care system that provides coverage to all Washington Residents. Our state is already moving in the right direction on this! We just need to follow through on the vision. Please consider writing to your legislator and ask them to support this bill.

Email your Legislator to support SB 5335

Recommended text:

“Please support and reintroduce SB 5335 in the 2024 state legislative session. Our state is already moving in the right direction on this! We just need to follow through on the vision. Please sponsor this bill and help get it through your chamber so we can make the lives of every Washingtonian better.'”

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